When your body is thirsty, your performance suffers - Take pre:playÌÎÌ_ÌÎå before you sweat to retain maximum hydration and energy flow all day When your body is thirsty, your performance suffers - Take pre:playÌÎÌ_ÌÎå before you sweat to retain maximum hydration and energy flow all day Pre:playÌÎÌ_ÌÎå can also be an all-day energy boost for hard workers who need to stay active throughout a long day 6g of L-Arginine AAKG supports increased muscle stamina and output 200mg of time-released DiCaffeine Malate charges you with healthy energy levels, allowing your body to use fat as a fuel source Patent-pending solution contains the same hydration power as a bag of IV fluid and delivers four key electrolytesÌÎÌ__sodium, chloride, potassium and zincÌÎÌ__straight into your bloodstream to help your body absorb more water and recover faster Uses a non-glucose amino acid in your intestine to transport electrolytes across the intestinal wall efficiently without the negative effects of sugar